Hanover College Principles

The students, faculty, staff and trustees of Hanover College seek to promote academic, personal, and moral growth within a safe, challenging and responsive community. Therefore, we will hold ourselves and the Hanover College Community to the highest standards of inclusivity, identifying and removing all systemic biases that impact the dignity of any person, supporting all, and ensuring that we are a truly empathetic and inclusive community where all persons belong and are valued. These values are articulated in the College’s mission documents and embodied in the daily, ongoing work of the community.

To this end, each is committed to the following:


1. I will seek the breadth and depth of knowledge appropriate to a liberal arts education, will seek to foster intellectual vitality, and will practice academic integrity.

2. I will participate in the open and free exchange of ideas necessary for a meaningful education and a successful democracy.


3. I will pursue physical, moral, emotional, and spiritual well being, with respect for the Christian and liberal arts traditions of the College.

4. I will practice self-respect and self-discipline, and will seek to grow in
maturity and independence.


5. I will work to create a safe campus community, free from unjust coercion, harassment, and other threats to persons or property.

6. I will practice honesty toward, tolerance of, and compassion for others,
working to support the well-being of other members of the College


7. I will participate in decision-making on rules and procedures, and will encourage others to do the same.

8. I will be a good steward of the College, the environment, and the world


9. I will know and adhere to the rules of the College and to state and federal laws, accepting accountability for my own actions and encouraging others to be accountable for theirs.

10. I will practice justice, fairness and respect in my responses to violations of these commitments and of College rules by community members.

As members of the Hanover College community, we will make decisions together with those who will be most affected by them, we will seek the greatest amount of relevant input possible in our decision-making, and, to the extent possible, we will encourage decision-making on rules and procedures by those who will be most affected by them.