Introduction & Purpose

The Student Handbook is a guide to student life at Hanover - its governance, organizations, policies, facilities and services. This document is designed as a supplement to other written materials, especially the Catalog, and is not your only campus reference. It contains current regulations and policies governing student life, housing and extracurricular activities. This guide will assist in locating the proper people to answer questions and help with problems. Careful reading will help you understand Hanover's objectives and regulations as well as your own responsibilities as a member of the campus community.

By accepting Hanover's invitation to join the campus community, it is expected that each student will contribute to the College's overall educational purpose. Familiarization with this book can insure personal involvement in many opportunities available through life on campus. Every student is assumed to be familiar with the materials in the Student Handbook as well as those in the Catalog. Both should be kept handy as references, and all students, particularly those who are new to Hanover, should read them thoroughly. Due to the ever-changing circumstances of the College and its constituencies, the College reserves the right to adjust to changing circumstances or demands.  When feasible these changes will be done in consulting with students. For the most accurate information contact this website.

In addition to the classroom, much leaning also takes place outside the formal academic environment - in residence halls, in the dining room, and with student activities and organizations, athletics, religious life and community service. These opportunities are encouraged at Hanover because such participation brings a fuller measure of self-realization in these important collegiate years. We encourage you to use this Student Handbook and to develop a conscious plan to utilize the many resources of Hanover College!

Office of Student Life