Reporting Violations


Sexual misconduct is a crime punishable by both civil and criminal legal action. Students are strongly encouraged to report misconduct to law enforcement authorities. Sexual misconduct is also a serious violation of the College Principles, which can be found in the College Catalog and in the Student Handbook.  All members of the College Community are expected to become familiar with the College's standards and regulations.

 The College offers a variety of support services in an incident of sexual misconduct. 

(1) If the reporting party chooses to file charges with law enforcement authorities, the Office of Campus Safety will assist in helping the reporting party to navigate the process. If the allegation does not result in criminal prosecution, the College offers support in understanding the results of the criminal investigation and any decisions that have been made by the prosecuting attorney. Throughout this process the support of Health Services and Counseling Services will be available to the student. The college reserves the right to pursue judicial action through campus procedures even if the case is heard in the local court system.

(2) If the reporting party chooses not to file charges with law enforcement authorities, the college's Title IX will assist the student in requesting and preparing for a hearing by the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board. Throughout this process the support of Counseling and Health Services, as well as, student  life personnel will be available to the student.

(3) If the reporting party chooses not to proceed with a hearing by the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board, the College reserves the right to proceed with a hearing on behalf of the college. Throughout this process the support of Health Services and Counseling Services will be available to the student.

In cases where the reporting party and the respondent are both students procedural options will be coordinated through the Title IX Coordinator. In cases involving an employee and a student the procedural options will be coordinated through the Director of Human Resources. Nothing in these procedures is intended to preclude the Vice-President/ Dean of Student Life or other College Official from taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and security of the accuser. Actions that could be taken include, but are not limited to, restricting contacts between the parties, making alternative classroom or living arrangements, or the imposition of an interim suspension. The College may take appropriate protective and administrative action even in situations where the complainant is absent.

Use of these procedures does not preclude the use of other dispute resolution options, including civil and/or criminal proceedings.


Hanover College participates in the federal student financial aid programs and is subject to the requirements of the Clery Act as well as Title IX.  To see the current Clery report: